Monday, March 26, 2007

young at Age

Pre-practicum, I was going to write an entry on my age. Yes, my age. I was struggling hard core with being so young in such a grown up environment. e. and I had come from Mizzou, a place where we were the older ones, a place where we had the wisdom and experience. Then marriage and a move happened- we were thrown into the corporate and seminary/ministry worlds. People just assumed that I was 30 or so because I was married- not a bad assumption I guess since the average American ties the knot at 28 these days (exclude evangelicals from those numbers). I found myself surrounded by smarter, older, more Godly people who I was supposed to interact with/befriend/learn from/teach/counsel.

But as I have started seeing clients, the intimidation factor in my life has gone down. Maybe b/c I see that all ages have the same problems and need the same help. I am starting to be able to articulate myself with a little more ease. I am worrying less and less, "do they really know how young I am?" I am realizing that God gives wisdom out, not just life. Life tends to give you this subjective stuff that is hard to generalize outside your own inner world. It is so great to hold on to at least some absolute truths in a post-modern world where nothing is solid- nothing is sure.

God has me on His track. I should not be ashamed of His chosen route. To shy away and retreat to a place where I feel more competent halts growth, promotes self, and it just too darn comfortable for what God wants for me. So if you see me in the corner sucking my thumb and in the fetal position, I am just doing some self-soothing and will be with you in a minute.

Are there any situations that make you feel about as old as I was in this picture?