the rev.

(My partner and I with our new baby from Korea)
meet my pastor, the rev.
jon and charlene were the first people we met while we visited dallas. we were one week from our wedding and we were 600 miles south of all the craziness KC could take. we were there to see what CARES looked like. They were the four month vets who suprisingly had all of their stuff together. we talked to the rev.- he spoke of his trip to eastern europe and about canonization something-or-other (some seminary talk i hadn't heard yet). while we were pretty much going the way of joining CARES, they helped sell us on the whole uptown thing.
and once we got here, the rev. secretly planned a watered down version of his christian commune idea. he dropped little endearing stories of skillman bible church members that would make us think, or at least laugh. his plans came to fruition when his brother and sister-in-law came to CARES along with mike and rachel, and we all decided to take a sunday trip to skillman. i'm sure the elder kevers rejoiced and did some fist pumps. and shoot, maybe a tear was even shed. for his plan came to be.
but jon had to sit down and take notes when our Lord took out His own playbook. little did the rev. know, but the church that God allowed him to fall in love with (and who loved him back equally) was in need of a pastor. and after some waiting, unemployed jon became pastor jon, aka. the rev. God's plan had come to be. I am sure He did some rejoicing and a fist pump with the rest of the Trinity, however they would do such a thing (one big fist pump? or three?) shoot, maybe a tear was even shed. for His plan came to be.
congrats rev. you earned every bit of the pure grace bestowed on you.
on behalf of me and mine, we are excited.