THE PUP, finally
so my wife has been busy, so i thought i would step into her place and introduce you all to Mr. Miyagi, or Miyagi, or Yagi, or Yagster, or all the non-sensical names e. gives him when she is lovin' on him. We got him right at 8 weeks old and he initially loved getting sick, pooping in the office, eating sticks, and pooping in the office. Along with pooping in the office (don't worry, pros came into clean), yagi enjoys watching movies and taking long strolls on the sidewalk. Growing up in the city, he loves to interact with all the different types of people who find themselves in uptown. Being half shar-pei and half lab, the women go crazy for his wrinkles, which logically you would think would be a draw back. Now almost 6 months, he has mastered the art of holding his bladder, sitting, and making unreplicatable wimperings.
Ladies and Gents...Yagi.

wink, wink